Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thing 9 More Facebook

Since last we spoke, I have had a brief tutorial from a friend on facebook. So I have learned that you can remove posts that you might regret. Also I think you can hide posts by a 'friend' if you don't want see their post but also don't want to send a rejection notice to them. I still think that this can be a dangerous outlet for public venting. I wonder if some people don't give too little thought to postings.

However, on to groups. It does seem a faster way for a group with common interests to share, ask questions, and get answers. I joined a tennis group, curling group, and the TexasLA. One of the characteristics of most groups as a searched for a couple to join is that most are not active. A lot of groups hadn't had a post in months, especially the smaller ones(50 or less members). So maybe in those cases plain 'ol email might work best. There was another reading group that I had to request membership in so time will tell if I get accepted. All in all I spent at least an hour looking at groups trying to make sure I wasn't joining a dead end. With so many options, a lot of time spent 'surfing' groups. Life was simpler with fewer choices.

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